Friday, March 28, 2008

The 'Practical Marketeer' Shows You "How To Survive And Thrive Without A Job", And Takes a Gamble Banking on the Honour System for Payment.

Author by Anonymous


The 'Practical Marketeer' Shows You "How To Survive And Thrive Without A Job", And Takes a Gamble Banking on the Honour System for Payment.

Oakville, Ontario, Canada October 25th, 2003 - James Burchill aka the "Practical Marketeer" recently published his newest info-product [an e-book compendium called "How To Survive And Thrive Without A Job"

Tired of high-pressure online sales tactics and arm-twisting, Mr Burchill decided to gamble on a radical new approach, at least for the online world: he'd give the product away with 'no strings', and simply ask people to pay him what they felt was appropriate, and only if they thought the product was any good.

When asked why he would risk having his work 'stolen' James said: "Every day people are asked to trust others. As a Marketeer I spend a considerable amount of time figuring out ways to make that choice easier. Online business has some serious hurdles to contend with. No physical presence, the plethora of 'gurus' all claiming they have the secret, the fear of fraud and so on. There's also the issue of price versus value. This new product is the result of thousands of hours of work - but on the net everything seems 'cheap'. Info-products abound and people are at a loss to know what is value and what is not. Giving away the product removes that frustration for them. They don't have to charge their credit card first and then hope I refund their money if the product does not meet their expectations. This way, the risk is all on me, I believe this is as it should be - at least in this instance."

"It also occurred to me that the product would be of immediate value to certain people who were in 'dire straits' and might want the information and simply not be able to pay right now. My honour system allows them to maintain their self-respect and dignity and allows them to help themselves and then return the favour when they can. I just feel there is a certain elegance to it all."

The compendium e-book "How To Survive And Thrive Without A Job" contains over 400 unique and creative ways to survive and thrive in today’s tough economic times. The additional library resources are the products of their respective authors and are provided under license.

For more information contact: James Burchill


James Burchill


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